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Benefits of Irish Sea Moss

Sea Moss has been attributed many health benefits, it's even fondly known as "Viagra of the Sea, it is packed with an astonishing array of potency enhancing and revitalizing minerals, but that's not all it's good for:

•    Nutrition: 90% of our essential minerals, rich in magnesium plus detoxifying fiber, pectin, and sulfur.

•    Thyroid: extremely rich in iodine, and raw 'ingredients' to make thyroid hormones.

•    Lungs: expectorant, rich in potassium chloride, dissolves mucus, clears congestion.

•    Brain: neuro-protective, reduces oxidative damage, and cerebral inflammation.

•    Digestion: works as a mild laxative, feeds good bacteria, demulcent soothes gut, and aids digestion.

•    Metabolism: reduces appetite, increases satiety, boosts metabolism, promotes weight-loss.

•    Immune: helps remove heavy metals from the gut, neutralizes radiation, builds anti-oxidants.

•    Hormones: Improves hormonal balance, boosts sexual desire, increases testosterone

•    Sexual: promotes sexual function Dr. Sebi said, "your reproductive organs would definitely love it." These statements

have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

St. Lucia Dried Golden Sea Moss - 3oz


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